Have you ever heard of Pondichéry (now Puducherry)? Some may remember this as one of the two territories of the Union, with seats in the upper house (Rajya Sabha) of Parliament. A few might look at it from a historical perspective when it was French territory. At this moment, I need you to look at his name through the historical and spiritual lens of thought. At the intersection of the two, the name of a true liberator will bless you, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh.

“The books will make you intellectual, but will not integrate your emotions.”

Sri Aurobindo Ghosh

Auroville: The City of Dawn

Today, Puducherry has become a port of call for people who follow the spirit space as well as adventurers and travellers. It is famous for the Sri Aurobindo Ashram that has now developed into almost all dimensions of the city, metaphorically. Amidst the entire political ecosystem and diplomatic atmosphere around the world. Have you ever thought of a small world that tends to downgrade almost all social evil and stereotypes regardless of caste, creed, colour & religion, and that too in our INDIA?

The name is Auroville (The City of Dawn), coming from the Latin words ‘Aurora’ meaning Sunrise & ‘Ville’ meaning City. A central mainland is a collection of residencies, including those in which Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and Mira Alfassa (also known as The Mother) live. They founded the township of Auroville, a universal experimental city in India, and remained secluded for the spiritual journey. The story of the Ashram can be retraced when we look back. India was clinging to the clutches of the British Crown.

Sri Auronido Ghosh: Early Life

Here across the following space in this post. Let me engage you through the article of time journey and experiences that lead Sri Aurobindo Ghosh to this destiny. And for that, every time you will visit the Ashram in the future. Your spirit brings to mind the formation of the ashram bedrock and its vibrations throughout the city. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was born on 15 August 1872 in Calcutta (now Kolkata). His soul may have been born into a well-off family. Although, on the reverse side of the same coin, his experience also intended at carving him into the incarnation of true freedom. To remind you, he was the first Indian to speak and proclaim the words Poorna Swaraj.

Indian Civil Service

His father, Krishna Dhun Ghose, a member of the Brahmo Samaj movement, wanted his children to serve in Indian Civil Services. British authorities called for the Indian Civil Service examinations in England only. In the wake of this, his family settled in London in 1879. While in London, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was taught a variety of subjects (including a religion course) by W.H. Drewett, who was a friend of his father and also a priest. In all the requirements to appear in the ICS. There was also the eligibility that the person should finish two years of study at a recognized university in England. During his studies at the university, he involved himself in the Indian independence movement. Aurobindo had a vast knowledge of nearly all universal subjects. He used to rivet on London news printed about British activities in India.

Even though his father wanted him to become a public servant, Sri Aurobindo was reluctant to do the same. Unconditionally, Ghosh bound himself to the Indian independence movement. Despite all this, he appeared for the exam and secured 11th out of 250 competitors. Even though when Ghosh was unwilling, stemming from his high level of intellect, knowledge, and awareness. Following his state of mind and his wish, he has not joined the service. Aurobindo left Britain for India in 1893, served in the Baroda State Service, and also worked as a lecturer. The students were always looking up, fascinated by its unparalleled aura.

Homecoming of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh

After the partition of Bengal in 1905, he settled in Calcutta in 1906 and strengthened his ties to secret revolutionary activities. From there, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh began to present his ideas in local magazines, namely Karmayogin and Dharma to take the Indians into the right dimension. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh has also composed several books, including one on the national education system. The drafting committee of the Indian Constitution later considered these books. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh also wrote several poems describing his inclination towards the philosopher. The poems of the Aurobindo Ghosh such as Because of Thou Art, Bliss of Identity, Infinitesimal Infinite, Iron Dictators, Kamadeva, Life, Nirvana, and so many that change our thoughts towards the prospect of life.

His Contribution in Independence

At the time, Khudi Ram Bose (Britishers hanged the Youngest Indian Revolutionary) picked up for bombing in Magistrate King’s Fort. Sri Aurobindo was also arrested because the British authorities considered him as a potential obstacle to their activities. In the single year that he spent in prison. He later explained how his conscience woke up, and Swami Vivekananda used to bless his dreams with guidance. He said he had never learned yoga in a lifetime. However, somehow the awakened consciousness taught him a series of things, including Yoga postures and practices.

India of the ages is not dead nor has she spoken her last creative word; she lives and has still something to do for herself and the human peoples.

Sri Aurobindo Ghosh

Pondicherry: A Land of Philosophy

Upon his release in 1910, he left for Pondicherry, where he continued to live and guide the youth until he died in 1950. Moreover, after his release from prison, the authorities issued several arrest warrants against him. Nevertheless, they were unable to capture him because the Pondicherry was at that time a French dominion.

Until 1950, Aurobindo remained there and continued to print his works in local magazines and newspapers. He wrote about his thoughts in Arya magazine. It was during this period that he received the title of SRI through his followers. Upon his arrival in Pondicherry, four young men escorted and followed him, three of whom remained with him until his death. The disciples were increasing, which led to the formation of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh once wrote that the Ashram had been less created than it had grown up around him as its centre.

After 1914 it became isolated and just used to address the public and his followers often. In solitude, Aurobindo wrote and published books on different topics. Although, some of his books could not be published at the time due to the British hindrance. After Independence, several of its documents were published. He wrote on matters of mystical power and other famous spiritual subjects. He also continued to write letters to the British government concerning resolutions passed in the Westminster assembly. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh also received the title of TRUE LIBERATOR from the audience. His writings included documents on the liberation of India and the stitches the Indians had woven around them.

Sri Aurobindo Ghosh: A Pure Soul

Almost three years later, on December 5, 1950, in celebration of India’s independence. The soul of TRUE LIBERATOR left for paradise to share space with the ecclesiastic. Approximately 60,000 people attended his funeral, an extremely emotional event for his disciples and for the Indians.

Ghosh described Spirituality as “Spirituality is indeed the master key of the Indian mind; the sense of the infinitive is native to it”.

He was nominated twice for the Nobel Prize for his contribution to the study of spirituality and philosophic literature. He stated in one of his writings that the soul is enclosed in five sheaths which are:

  • Physical
  • Vital
  • Mental
  • Psychical
  • Spiritual

After Sri Aurobindo Ghosh departed for paradise, he left sacred spiritual footprints to be followed on the road to reason. The consciousness of the original world reality.

His writings constitute a roadmap for granular analysis with a view to attaining the divine forces of nature. Despite the fact that Sri Aurobindo Ghosh belonged to a well-off family. His mind map was navigating him towards the actual web of affairs in the cosmos & to liberate the Indians from British shackles. His portraits anywhere will keep on emanating the radiations of liberation, NEITHER TIME BOUND NOR SPACE BOUND.

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Composed By: Ajay Bhanwala


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